Neck Surgery & Newborn Puppies
It was a busy week last week. My hubby went for neck surgery on Wed. Jan 14th, It was to be a 5 hr operation, so I was at home in the later part of the morning, waiting for the Dr to call to say how the surgery went. Finally the Dr called and everything went well in surgery. I was then making plans to go visit the hospital when our Cavalier Spaniel went into labor! She had been watching me get ready, then insisted on sitting on my lap...and only a few minutes later she began her labor that ended up lasting 5 hours, to deliver 4 healthy and adorable puppies. No, I never made it to the hospital that day to visit, but I had talked my hubby on the phone, throughout her labor and delivery. At 8 pm, she was done delivering 4 puppies, 2 boys and 2 girls, hubby was resting in hospital and I was very exhausted from the whole day. I was tired but very glad things went well!
P.S. I have puppy pics in my profile gallery if you'd like to see them! I plan on adding more as they grow.